We had a scary day on Tuesday, when L. fainted on the cat track and was unconscious for a couple of minutes. We are still not quite sure why she just lost it, but she seems to be fine and she was on the board again the next day. Maybe she didn't eat enough that morning - that's our guess! On Tuesday it was sunny and gorgeous, but still cold. I got to ski one round and then spent my day at the hospital, where they monitored L. In the evening we met with A. and Si. at

I got to spend my Wednesday with J. He is such a nice guy, but I think he pushed me a little too far. My legs hurt like crazy after he day was over (fear=leaning back=sore legs). so I was happy that I had St. all day Thursday, half day today and tomorrow morning I'll also meet up with him. I was very comfortable with St. and am thinking of skiing with him ONLY! I did moguls today - not perfect, but I wasn't scared shitless! Actually, although I fell a couple of times, it wasn't bad at all. So, St. is a safe bet for lessons! Plus, my legs are not killing me!
We are supposed to be at A.'s house in 3 minutes, but due to connection failures, I can neither get a hold of him, nor P. So I'm hoping he is not cooking up a big meal and we are a no-show... :(
I'll post some pics later, since there is something wrong with the USB drive of the laptop.