31 December, 2008

Happy New Year!


(I toast with water ;)

Last practice for the old year

What did I take away from my last Yoga practice of the year?
  • don't underestimate how many people have nothing else to do but cram in a yoga studio on New Year's Day for 2008's last practice with Silvia!
  • when somebody smiles at you before practice starts, don't sound too desperate when you tell her that you are only there because at home is an evil mother-in-law and you are in dire need of some peace and serenity. If you do sound too desperate try to ignore the satisfied smile on that somebody's face - somebody else has it worse than you!
  • eating a bowl of TUSCAN WHITE BEAN AND GARLIC SOUP an hour before Yoga practice is NOT a good idea!
  • everything's gonna be okay!

I <3 Giada!

For tonight I prepared one of my favorite soups:

from my favorite Food Network chef
Giada De Laurentis.

I could BATHE in this - it is SO good! Of course, there are 8 gloves of garlic in it (I doubled the recipe) and that makes it even better! I substituted veggie stock for the chicken broth, to make it truly vegetarian. Unfortunately there is butter and cream in it, so it is not vegan. But nontheless it is SO YUMMIE!!!

Tomorrow I will be trying her

Yogis have better sex, study finds

Oh my goodness! My 2009 is going to be a great year - if I can keep up with me New Year Resolution #1!!!

Yogis have better sex, study finds

Special Candlelight Yoga and Meditation practice from 6pm-8pm

Meet me for our special Candlelight Yoga and Meditation practice from 6pm-8pm. This is a sweet practice dedicated to deep contemplation, self-love and meditation. It is a perfect "date" night for yourself alone but also appropriate for your partner and family members to enjoy.
I mentioned to my hubby yesterday, that I was considering going to Yoga this early evening and he looked at me with wide eyes and said: "But... but it is NEW YEAR'S EVE!!!" I guess what he really tried to tell me was "Baby, it is time to let it roll, it is time to drink and be drunk and PARTYYY!!! What the heck do you wanna do Yoga for if you can have a wild time?!" (I have to add: [wild time] with the mother-in-law *yawn*). So I told him "Baby, it is New Year's Eve! Time to reflect on the old year, time to think about the new one! And I'll be back at 8:30 to party!

30 December, 2008

Putting a price on procrastination

I just read this article on CNN.com:
Putting a price on procrastination
and find it a very good idea!

Goals on StickK.com range from the practical "stop biting nails" to the ambitious "successful startup" to the competitive "lose weight faster than Nate" to the creative "speaking more slowly to foreigners in NYC."

Wow! Somebody even put up $50,000 to loose weight... If people take it THAT seriously, procrastination must really be a burden. Although, I have to say I really enjoy it sometimes. Of course it always comes back to haunt me (for example when I turn in my taxes in August and I not only have to pay a hefty fee, but my accountant looks at me like I am out of my mind! Of course I procrastinated calling him back all these months as well...)... Maybe I should join the movement and give all my tax return money to StickK.com?!

Stay optimistic!

Global economy and the forces of nature are not in your hands. But how you react, is solely up to you. Your year 2008 is going to be the way you want it to be. Although there is probably a lot of uncertainty, you also have unwavering strength and reserves. Others may forget what your name is or what you have told them. But they never forget how you have touched their hearts. Prepare yourself for this year: I will have the best year of my life - and I will help others to theirs as well!

Bleiben Sie optimistisch

Weltwirtschaft und Naturgewalten haben Sie nicht in Ihrer Hand. Aber wie Sie sich dazu verhalten, liegt einzig und allein an Ihnen. Ihr Jahr 2008 wird so, wie Sie es empfinden. In Ihnen steckt womöglich viel Unsicherheit, aber Sie besitzen auch unerschütterliche Kräfte und Reserven. Andere mögen vergessen, wie Sie heißen oder was Sie ihnen erzählt haben. Aber sie vergessen nie, zu welchen Empfindungen Sie ihre Herzen gerührt haben. Nehmen Sie sich deswegen für dieses Jahr vor: Ich werde das beste Jahr meines Lebens haben – und anderen verhelfe ich auch noch dazu!

[Thanks simplify daily newletter!]

29 December, 2008


Although I didn't want to start until the new year with my YOGA resolution, I just couldn't stop myself... okay, okay, actually my neck and my back were killing me, because I fell asleep the other night, when we came back from Chicago, where we watched "The Jersey Boys" (highly recommendable, by the way!!) and one of my favorite steak houses in the city "Zed451" (and, YES, I do not eat any meat, but their FISH is awesome as well! And their jalapeno bread with the red pepper butter - dilicious!)... wait... where was I going with that...? Anyway, I'll go again tonight, because I just got an email from my favorite yoga teacher of all times, telling me that there will be a special class tonight:

If you want to know the past, to know what has caused you, look at yourself in the present, for that is the past's effect. If you want to know your future, then look at yourself in the present, for that is the cause of the future.
-Majjhima Nikaya

Dear Monday Night Basics Students,

Tonight is the last Monday of the year! I know it's hard to believe!

It seems then only appropriate that we dedicate tonight's 7:30pm Basics practice to reflecting on this past year, taking its lessons and aligning our hearts with our best intentions for the new year. The class will be deeply introspective and sweet. If you were looking for some quiet solitude in order to recharge from the busyness of the past month or just an opportunity to really think about what you've accomplished this past year and what you want to set as meaningful goals for 2009 then this is the class for you!

I hope you can make time to join me tonight.

Sending you healing thoughts, hopes for all your dreams to take form and the courage to make your wishes come true!

28 December, 2008


People who know me do know, that I am NOT (and I repeat: NOT!!) a church-going, Jesus-loving, blindly-following individual, but actually a free spirit, who has her own philosophy about life and death and whatever comes with living a conscious and happy life. BUT I thought for the new year, it would be great if I could listen in on the many men and women who do not follow their own brains, but let themselves be led to... well, to whatever people need/want to be led to, I guess. Maybe I can collect and borrow different things from all these religions out there and use it in my own little humble way...?! After all, isn't this what America is all about?

I cannot count anymore the numerous times, people have invited me to their church. From "You will feel so welcomed and at home!" over "It is so great to walk on God's path!" to "It saved my life, I was a drug-addict and almost died!" - I've heard it all! It seems like people get saved by Jesus all the time here in the States. Whereas people in Germany turn away from organized religion, in the US there seems to be some kind of magical transformation going on... I don't quiet get it, to be honest. I like to make up my own mind and think for myself, without consulting an ancient book and applying it to today's problems... wait, I should write: without consulting an ancient book and applying it WORD-FOR-WORD, in its' old meaning, to today's problems.

Maybe I'll find out more at The Chapel, our local mega-church (can I say that? or will I upset all the "God Is Real!" bumper sticker owners?):

Sunday 01.04
12:15PM Meet the Chapel at Libertyville

Come join us for lunch at Meet The Chapel in the second floor lobby. It is a casual, friendly and fun way to meet our pastors, hear about the history & future vision of The Chapel, and meet other newcomers. Childcare is provided.

Thomas McArthur

[to be continued...]

My Resolutions For 2009

A new year - a new me! My resolution for 2009 are:
  • Practice Yoga at least once a week; I am striving for 3 times a week, but I know how difficult that will be. So my goal is ONCE! If I go more, good; if not, I don't have to feel guilty :)
  • Forgive and let go; there are situations in life, that leave you with scars. I will try to learn my lesson; reflect, evaluate, forgive and let go.
  • Only keep my greatest work. "Producing" art is always a process, but YOU DON'T HAVE TO KEEP EVERYTHING!!!
  • Organize! But keep a little artistic chaos :)
Alright, that should be enough to work on :)

First Post

First blog posts are always weird... You have to set the right tone, introduce the purpose of your future posts and tell a little bit about yourself...

I'll leave all this up to future posts! So, here is the first post :)